Citation - Boston News Letter: 1766.03.20

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Index Entry Drum, in Newburyport, in procession for effigy of Stamp agent 
Location Newburyport 
20 Mar 1766:12 (0)
[Report from Newbury-Port describing their opposition to the
Stamp act.] . . The next day his effigy was hung on the
Liberty-Tree near the lower Long-Wharff, the detestable
Clearance was fix'd on a pole with a chain, carried through
the town with drums beating, and flag flying, and other
music;  at 4 o'clock the effigy was let down, and that, with
the Clearance was burnt under the Tree of Liberty, in the
midst of the acclamations of a vast number of spectators,
who then gave three cheers, and with the roaring of the
drums dispers'd, the whole was conducted with the utmost
decency and order.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1766.03.20 
Publisher Draper, Richard and Samuel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0009979
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