Citation |
9 Oct 1766:32 (3288)
A Collection of all Tansu'r's, and a number of other
anthems, from Williams, Knapp, Ashworth, and Stephenson. To
which are added, some tunes from Lion, Smith, Ravencraft,
&c.--Just published and to be sold by Josiah Flagg (who
teaches psalmody, on Monday and Thursday evenings) at his
house near the Old North Meeting House; also to be sold at
his ship in Fish street, by Messi'rs Thomas Leveret and
Samuel Webb in Cornhill, and the rest of the booksellers in
Boston, by Benjamin Loring, at the Head of the Long Wharff,
and by Mr. Salmon, at his house near the Sign of the Lamb.
N.B. A sufficient number of persons appearing that want
particular anthem, or tune,, may have it struck off