Citation - Boston News Letter: 1770.02.15

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Index Entry Bass viol, taught by Joan, Mr 
Location Boston 
15 Feb 1770:33 (3463)
For the benefit of Mr. Joan, will be performed;
A Grand Concert of vocal and instrumental music at Concert-
on Thursday the first day of March next, to begin half after
6 o'clock, P.M.
The vocal part, viz.
Two grand Corus's for 4 voices, the words well adapted to
the present times.
Two other excellent Songs.
Tickets to be had of the Printers, (at half a dollar each)
or of the said Joan living at said Concert-Hall, where he
teaches the violin, German-flute, and basse-viol.
[hand pointing right] All the violins that shall be used in
this concert, have been manufactured here by the said Joan,
who makes and sells very cheap, violins, screw-bows and
cases, basse-viols, &c. no ways inferior to the best
imported; -- He also mends those sorts of instruments at a
reasonable rate.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1770.02.15 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0010206
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