Citation - Boston News Letter: 1770.05.31

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Index Entry Anthem, sung in Boston, for election of General Court 
Location Boston 
31 May 1770:23 (3477)
Boston, May 31. 1770.  Yesterday being the anniversary for
the election of counsellors, agreeable to the Royal Charter,
his honor. . . appointed the General court to convene at
Cambridge, whereas the express letter of the law ordains the
election to be made in Boston, being the most proper
convenient as well as ancient seat of Government of the
  The morning was ushered in with musick parading the
streets, and an ox, which on the afternoon before was
conveyed thro' the town decorated with ribbons, flowers. . . 
[18 lines]  Public worship concluded with an anthem
admirable performed by a select company procured for that
purpose. . . [1/2 column more, toasts, dinner at Faneuil-

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1770.05.31 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0010222
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