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5 Dec 1771:11 (3457)
Lewis & George Deblois has imported in Captains Symmes,
Calef & Bryant from London, and in Capt. Farrington from
A large assortment cutlery, braziery and ironmongery wares,
also linens, woolens, silks, &c.
Which are to be sold on the very lowest terms for cash, at
his Shop--the Golden-Eagle, Dock-Square.
Amongst his assortments are----
Bohea Tea per chest or dozen, [14 lines hardware items]
London-made violins and bows,
Choice fresh violin strings,
Plain and tipt fifes, and flutes,
Bass violin-strings
8 by 5 and 9 by 7 Taylor's window glass,
Writing-paper and playing-cards
Sailors round hats,
Boys marbles, &c. &c. &c.