Citation - Boston News Letter: 1771.12.26

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert, sells violins, strings, flutes, fifes 
Location Boston 
26 Dec 1771:32,33 (3460)
Gilbert Deblois has lately imported from London, Glasgow,
and Holland, a large and general assortment of goods, which
are now ready for sale at his ship near the Old South
Meeting-House, Boston.
  [pointing hand] As his goods are procured on the best
terms, it enables him to supply his customers for ready
money at a very low rate, many articles as cheap by retail
as are sold in the city of London.
  N.B.  No abatement on the price first asked.  Those who
want to purchase by wholesale with ready money, may depend
on great pennyworths:  Among the variety of articles are the
following . . .
  Violins, English and German flutes, fifes, best Roman
strings, china, ivory, buck and bone knives & forks, with
all other sorts knives, scissers, thimbles, money scales,
cards, English and German steel. . . [5 lines]
  N.B.  As said Deblois intends for England in the spring,
desires all persons indebted to him to pay off the same
without delay.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1771.12.26 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0010305
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