Citation - Boston News Letter: 1772.07.02

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Index Entry Trumpet, of Discord, metaphor of announcement 
Location Boston 
2 Jul 1772:31 (3489)
Every country, says Voltaire, has it's madmen !  And in
truth Master Nedham, there seemeth something of this sort
discoverable in thy last publication; . . . 
  [4th para.]  Be not, my fellow-subjects, any longer
dismayed by the burghear  of party; the contest is not now a
common cause, but the effects of personal revenge; the
malice of a few levelled at the chair, liberty the pretence,
but interest the pursuit; grievance and oppression are
founded to deceive, Ambition disappointed fills the trumpet
of discord.  Marchmont and his fellow labourers have their
turn to serve, as well as those to whom they would impute
tyranny and design; insult and slander are the heralds of
their cause, but crambe bis coctum the motto of their
writings. . . [1 more para.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1772.07.02 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0010332
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