Citation - Boston News Letter: 1772.10.15

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Index Entry Trumpet, last, hurricane's winds likened to 
Location St Croix 
15 Oct 1772:22 (3602)
Christianstaed, Sept. 4. . .  A faint description of the St.
Croix Hurricane.
  On the 31st of August came on the most dreadful hurricane
ever known here in the memory of man,. . . [13 lines]  The
loud roaring of the sea, the frequent flashes of lightning
and balls of fire play'd from the artilery of the sky, and
the dreadful whistling of the wind might give a man some
idea of the day of judgment, when the last loud trumpet's
wonderous sound shall wake the nations under ground: . . .
[8 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1772.10.15 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0010347
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