Citation - Boston News Letter: 1772.12.24

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Index Entry Concert, in Boston, subscription series announced by Propert, Mr 
Location Boston 
24 Dec 1772:32 (3612)
Mr. Propert acquaints the gentlemen subscribers to the
concert, and the rest of his friends, that he is in
expectation soon of the arrival of a capital performer; 
and then he will open the concert for the winter season, and
they may depend he will spare no pains nor cost to give them
all the satisfaction in his power.
  [pointing hand]  Wanted, a boy or girl about 9 or 10 years
old, that have a good voice to sing at the above
subscription concert:  Such will have encouragement, &
taught gratis by applying to Mr. Propert.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1772.12.24 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0010357
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