Citation - Boston News Letter: 1774.06.23

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Index Entry Fifes, for sale by Nazro, John 
Location Worcester 
23 Jun 1774:33 (3690)
John Nazro, at his shop in Worcester, opposite the Widow
Sterns's, hereby gives notice to his town and country
customers, that he has now on hand, lately opened, a very
large assortment of English and hard-ware goods, with all
kinds West-India articles, which he designs further to
increase, till the last day of August, so as not to stand in
need of any supply afterwards, as he determines  to do
nothing that shall give offence to his friends and
customers, who may depend on dealing with him in the safest
and best manner for ready money, and he further promises to
continue to sell great pennyworths, not to raise the price
of goods.
  [pointing hand]  As said Nazro will enlarge his assortment
before August, he is under necessity of asking the favor of
all his customers to discharge their accounts soon as
possible, to enable him to purchase his additional supply on
the best terms with ready money.
  N.B.  At said shop may be had fire-arms, pistols,
gun-powder, flints, swords, hangers, belts, powder-flasks,
officers shoulder-knots, guilt gorgets, silk sashes, with
every sort and kind of gold and silver laces, hatt-loops,
buttons, &c. also fifes, hautboys, French-horns, violins,
&c.    Worcester, June 21.  1774.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1774.06.23 
Publisher Draper, Margaret, and John Boyle 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0010435
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