Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1749.10.23

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Index Entry Organ, in Charleston, shown to Indian chiefs, Cherokee, Catawba, and Creek 
Location Charleston 
23 Oct 1749:21 (778)
Extract of a letter from Charlestown, South Carolina, dated
Sept. 14.
The country is at present very sickly, owing to some great
rains which had occasioned floods in several places.  Three
bodies of Indians being the chiefs of three different
nations (Cherokees, Catawhaes and Creeks) lately arrived in
town, and make peace with each other, at the same time
renewing their alliance with us.  Friday and Saturday they
were shewn the armoury, the church, where the organs play'd,
the forts, where some shot were fir'd of 24 pound weight,
and whatever else was thought curious to them; and they are
now returning to their respective countries . . .

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1749.10.23 
Publisher Huske, E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0011002
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