Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1763.01.17

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Index Entry Drummers, in St. John's Fort, British casualties, French prisoners of war 
Location St John's 
17 Jan 1763:41 (283)
Camp before St. John's, Sept. 18, 1762.
Total of French troops made prisoners in St. John's fort. .
. 12 drummers. . . Return of the killed, wounded, and
missing of the troops under the command of Lieut. Colonel
Amherst, from the 13th of September, inclusive. . . First
battalion. 2 captains, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 3 rank and
file, wounded. . .  Total. . . 1 drummer. . . wounded.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1763.01.17 
Publisher Green and Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0011515
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