Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1763.09.26

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Index Entry A, Z, author of lyric [beg] Hail, glorious peace, 'tis thy refreshing smiles 
Location Boston 
26 Sep 1763:11 (319)
(The following lines were sent us soon after the
proclamation for peace. . .)  [signed] Z.A.
Hail, glorious peace, 'tis thy refreshing smiles,
That gives redress, for all our tedious toils:
Welcome good news, from Britain's distant shore,
The noise of raging war is heard no more.
. . . [25 lines]
No more we hear the sound of rattling drums,
. . . [8 lines]
In lofty strains his Princely virtues sing:
. . . [14  more lines]

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1763.09.26 
Publisher Green and Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0011551
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