Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1764.10.15

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Index Entry Country dance, in Quebec, danced on green after breakfast 
Location Quebec 
15 Oct 1764:31 (374)
Boston, October 15.  We hear from Quebec, that on the 25th
of August last, was review'd on the Heights of Abraham by
his excellency Governor Murray, the 15th regiment:  And on
the Thursday following, being the 30th on the Plain of St.
Roche, his excellency's own battalion.  The review of the
Governor's battalion being about 9 in the morning, there was
a very genteel breakfast provided, in a grand pavilion upon
the field. . . and after breakfast a great part of the
gentlemen and ladies, to the amount of 20 couple or upwards,
joined in a country dance upon the sod:. . .

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1764.10.15 
Publisher Green and Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0011606
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