Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1765.07.15

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Index Entry How e'er unlike in form and name [fl] 
Location Boston 
15 Jul 1765:23 (413)
New-York, July 4. . . Since the happy discovery, made in
London, that we Americans are virtually represented in the
English Parliament [what follows is a satirical statement
about the effects of using words like "virtually" in this
context, followed by a poem, with 2 lines preface]
  How e'er unlike in form and name,
  All things are virtu'lly the same. . .
  Since terms are confounded, & words on the rack,
  And white is oft taken for blue or for black,
  Since nonsense no passes for sound sense and reason,
  And words are let loose to fix what sense you please on,
. . . [52 more lines, making up 6 verses burdened with]
Thus good things and bad things, and great things and small
Are here reconciled.--and virtually all things.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1765.07.15 
Publisher Green and Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0011645
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