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23 Nov 1767:41,42,43 (536)
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein at the London
Book-Store, North-side of King-Street, Boston: A grand
assortment of the most modern books in every branch of
polite literature arts and sciences, viz. . . plays. . .
Tate's Psalms. . . Tate's Psalms and Concordance. . .
English Octavo Bibles, with church service, apocryphs and
psalms. . . psalters. . . all the best plays in the English
language. . . Just printed on a new letter and fine paper,
and to be sold by John Mein, at the London book store north-
side of King-Street, Boston:. . . Watts's Psalms and Hymns,
Tate and Brady's Psalms, with the addition of a number of
hymns from Watts, Doddrige, &c. A considerable discount
will be given to those who sell again.