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11 Jul 1768:21 (569)
Gilbert Deblois, notifies his town and country customers,
that he has imported in the last ships from London and
Bristol, a large and general assortment of English and India
goods, cutlary, ironmongary, and other hard wares, with some
articles not usually imported, which are all put up by the
makers on the very lowest terms, and are to be sold very
cheap at his shop and store, near the Rev'd Dr. Sewall's
meeting-house, opposite the bottom of School-Street, by
wholesale and retail.--Country traders and others, may be as
well supplied by letter as if present themselves; as he
deals only in ready money and makes no abatement from the
prices first asked,--. . . best violins, flutes, Roman
strings, drums, trumpets, &c.