Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1770.08.06

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Index Entry Bell, in Somersworth, meeting house, given by Thomas Wallingford 
Location Somersworth 
6 Aug 1770:32 (676)
Portsmouth, August 3.  We hear from Somersworth, that the
honourable Thomas Wallingford, Esq; of that town, at a town-
meeting lately held there, for receiving the account of
charge upon a bell lately imported for the meeting house in
that place, freely and generously gave the whole sum, by
paying the cash, amounting to twenty three pounds lawful
money; upon which the town chearfully voted him thanks, and
chose a committee to wait upon him with the same.  And we
further hear, that this is the third instance of the like
generosity in Col. Wallingford to that town. . .

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1770.08.06 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0011912
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