Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1771.05.06

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Index Entry How solemn was the mournful morn [fl] 
Location London 
6 May 1771:11,12 (712)
From the Gospel Magazine, for November, 1771.
A monody written by a youth, after hearing the Rev'd Mr.
John Wesley preach the Rev'd Mr. George Whitefield's funeral
How solemn was the mournful morn,
All gloomy, pensive, and forlorn?
Again, the awful scene's display'd
By ev'ning lights more solemn made.
. . . [1 1/2 more columns] [signed] Unanimity.  London, Nov.
22, 1771.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1771.05.06 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0011952
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