Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1771.05.20

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Index Entry Negro, plays violin, servant for sale 
Location Boston 
20 May 1771:31 (714)
On Wednesday next, at ten o'clock in the morning, will be
sold by public vendue at the auction room in Queen-Street. 
A great variety of English goods, some hard ware goods,---
Also, a large scale beam, a small graplin, 2 anchors, a
quantity of oak oars, and 2 Negro men, one of them is a good
cook, & the other plays well on the violin.  A genteel
sulkey and harness compleat.  J. Russell, auctioneer.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1771.05.20 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0011954
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