Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1771.11.18

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Index Entry Composer, Mulatto gentleman in Brussels, man of fashion 
Location Brussels 
18 Nov 1771:22 (743)
London, Sept. 19.  There is a very remarkable gentleman now
at Brussels, stiled the Chevalier de St. George:  he is said
to be the son of a governor of one of the French islands,
who was a native of the south of France; appears entirely
like a man of fashion, and is a mulatta in the first degree;
but his accomplishments in polite learning are very
extraordinary. . . His musical compositions are in the most
excellent taste, and his execution on the violin, which he
plays in a superior manner, is declared, by several English
gentlemen who have heard him, to be equal to that of

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1771.11.18 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0011980
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