Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1771.12.23

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Index Entry Hymn on Christmas-Day, An [t] [beg] Inferior thoughts, avaunt! This morn 
Location Boston 
23 Dec 1771:33 (748)
Inferior thoughts, avaunt!  This morn
The noblest subject brings:
On this auspicious day was born
A saviour!  King of Kings!
. . . [8 lines]
Unequal are the hymns of praise
Which even angels sing:
Then how shall these unskillful lays
just adoration bring?
Yet tune, my soul, thy gladsome voice,
And join th' angelic choir;
Who, thron'd in boundless light, rejoice
With pure seraphic fire!

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1771.12.23 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0011985
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