Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1772.11.23

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Index Entry Hymn, from Watts, sung in Falmouth, for condemned before execution 
Location Falmouth 
23 Nov 1772:32 (796)
Falmouth, Nov. 13, 1772.  Yesterday Solomon Goodwin was
executed here pursuant to his sentence:  In the forenoon the
Rev. Mr. Clark preached a sermon from Luke 23. 42, 43, in
which he made a very suitable address to the unhappy
prisoner, and gave a solemn warning to his audience to avoid
those crimes which men are apt to commit, when they give way
to their unruly passions.  The prisoner was then remanded to
the prison to reflect on what he had heard and to spend half
an hour more in supplication to his God, and in the
afternoon was carried to the place of execution:  He there
affectionately ca[   ]d the large crowd of people who
attended him against intemperate drinking, quarrelling and
keeping wicked company; Then the people at his desire sung
an hymn from Dr. Watts. . . 

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1772.11.23 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0012033
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