Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1774.11.21

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Index Entry Arnold, music in Gentlemen and Ladies Musical Companion [t] (Stickney) 
Location Newburyport 
14-21 Nov 1774:43 (900)
This day published, and to be sold by Daniel Bayley, at his
house in Newbury-Port; Thomas Leverett, Nicholas Bowes, Cox
and Berry, Henry Knox, John Langdon, Andrew Barclay, John
Boyle, and Mills and Hicks, in Boston; Mascol Williams in
Salem; and Smith and Coit in Hartford, The Gentleman and
Ladies Musical Companion; containing a collection of the
choicest anthems, psalm and hymn tunes, canons, &c.  Taken
from Tansor, William's, Knap, Stephenson, Arnold, Lyon, &c.
with sundry pieces never before published, with a short and
concise introduction to the rules of music.  By John
Stickney, a noted teacher of psalmody, in Connecticut.  The
whole contains 210 pages, of copper-plate, in demy octavo,
printed on a good paper, manufactured in Milton; they will
be well bound, and are undoubtedly the best collection of
psalmody ever published in America.  Price eight shillings.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1774.11.21 
Publisher Mills and Hicks 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0012137
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