Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1764.10.29

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Index Entry Balls, in Turin, for Duke of York 
Location Turin 
29 Oct 1764:21 (00)
Turin, July 28.  On Saturday last the 21st instant, his
Royal Highness the Duke of York received a friendly visit
from the Duke of Savoy, the Prince of Piedmont, and the Duke
of Chablais; and the day following his Royal Highness dined
with his Sardinian Majesty.  The same night a magnificent
supper and a great ball were given at the palace, which his
Royal Highness occupies; and two days after, the Prince of [ 
 ]. . . in the country fifteen miles from Turin, came from
thence to give his respects to his Royal Highness, whom he
invited to dine with him at his beautiful seat of Raconis;
where he likewise asked a number of the most conspicuous of
the ladies and noblemen of the court to come to a dinner, a
concert and a ball, which altogether, made it a most
complete and agreeable entertainment. . . [4 more lines
describe the Duke's departure]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1764.10.29 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0012210
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