Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1766.07.28

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Index Entry Gentle shepherd (that's his proper name), A [fl] 
Location London 
28 Jul 1766:31 (83)
From the London Chronicle, of April 26, 1766.
THE GENTLE SHEPHERD.  A parody of the second pastoral of Mr.
  A gentle shepherd (that's his proper name)
  Retir'd to show; far distant from the Thame;
  Where dancing fishes in the bason play'd
  And crowded columns form'd a marble shade.
. . . [42 lines]
The Cits, while Bow Church bells forget to ring
. . . [9 lines]
In opposition B----- and T---p--e join, 
And wicked Twitcher with good -----Come, matchless Jemmy!
bless the cool retreats
. . . [21 lines]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1766.07.28 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0012279
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