Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1767.07.13

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Index Entry Arnold's Compleat Psalmodist [t], for sale by Lathrop and Smith 
Location Hartford 
13 Jul 1767:11,12,13 (133)
Lathrop and Smith, druggists and apothecaries, in Hartford;
take this method to inform their customers and others, that
they have just imported form London and have for sale (on
the most reasonable terms) a large and universal assortment
of fresh genuine medicines and almost every article that
falls within the compass of their business.  Also, a general
assortment of painters colours; together with the following
books, viz. . . [10 lines of book titles arranged in four
columns.  First column as follows] 
[Watts's] Lyric Poems.
------Psalms of various prices. . . [24 more lines of book
titles] Tate and Brady's Psalms.  Scott's Hymns to
Repentance.  Mason's Hymns.  Arnold's Compleat Psalmodist. .
. [8 more lines in first column]. . . [46 lines in column 2,
57 lines in column 3, 59 lines in column 4]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1767.07.13 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0012327
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