Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1767.11.09

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Index Entry Accomplished Maid [t], for sale by Mein 
Location Boston 
9 Nov 1767:21,22,23 (150)
Mein, at the London Book-store, north side of King-Street,
Boston, has just imported a very grand assortment of the
most modern books, in very branch of polite literature, arts
and sciences, viz. History, novels, plays. . . [169 lines
describing types of books for sale and resumes of various
lengths for 12 books]  The Free-Mason's Pocket Companion. 
Containing the history of Masonry from the creation to the
present time; the institution of the grand lodge; lists of
the grand lodges of England and Scotland, their customs,
charges, constitutions, orders and regulations.  To which is
added, a large collection of the best Mason's songs, many of
which were never before published. . . [11 lines describing
school books for sale] A new edition of Tate and Brady's
Psalms, on a large letter, very cheap.  Watts's Psalms and
Hymns, a new edition, well printed.  New plays.  School for
Guardians, by Mr. Murphy.  Perplexities.  Love in the City. 
Fairy Favor.  Clandestine Marriage. Cymon.  Accomplished
Maid.  Cunning Man.  by Rosseau. . . [10 more lines
describing other books for sale] Psalmody.  Williams
Psalmody -------Anthems Green's Psalmody Arnold's Complete
Psalmodist.  Tansur's Royal Melody compleat Arnold's Church
Music --------Harmony  Baily's Introduction to Music. 
Containing the Grounds of Music, from Walter and Tansur, and
a collection of the choicest tunes from the most approved
masters.  Song books.    The Masque The Warbler's Delight
The Buck's do. a collection of very humorous songs The Brent 
Frank Hammond's Songs, or every Buck and choice Spirit's
Companion  A Collection of Songs, very elegantly printed on
fine writing paper, and entirely calculated for the votaries
of Comus. . . [16 more lines of books for sale.]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1767.11.09 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0012344
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