Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1767.11.09

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Index Entry Books, tutors, psalters, plays, operas, for sale by Mein 
Location Boston 
9 Nov 1767:41,42,43 (150)
. . . [77 lines continuing the advertisement on preceding
page, describing and listing books for sale, also writing
accessories] . . . pocket books, tutors for the violin and
German flute. . . [18 more lines listing books, maps, pen
knives, and calendars]  Oxford and Cambridge large quarto
bibles, with church service, Apocrypha, Tate and Brady's
Psalms, concordance and cuts. . . [2 more lines describing
bibles for sale] English octavo bibles with church service,
Apocrypha and psalms. . . [10 more lines, religious books]
Primers, psalters. . . [51 more lines listing and describing
religious books, magazines, and reviews]  All the best plays
and operas, in the English language &c. with all the new
ones, at the very same price they are sold at in London. . .
[43 more lines of books for sale and terms.] 

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1767.11.09 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0012344
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