Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1769.04.17

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Index Entry Bristo, runaway Negro, plays fiddle, took one with him 
Location Middletown 
17 Apr 1769:43 (226)
Middletown, norwest part, March 27 day, 1769.  Run-away
about two months ago, from his master, a negro man named
Bristo, a good fidler and has a fiddle with him a short
thick negro, above 30 years old, and had on a mix'd coloured
coat, blue and black, a black waistcoat and breaches, and
can talk good English, and read well, and once had five
fingers on each hand, one on each hand were cut off, and a
small scar to be seen and holes in each ear, and can tell an
ample story for being from home, if any person will take up
said negro and bring him to said master, shall have two
dollars reward, and all necessary charges paid, by me
[signed] Daniel Wilcox.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1769.04.17 
Publisher Green and Watson 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0012418
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