Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1771.01.08

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Index Entry Books, hymn, songs, for sale by Sexton, K 
Location Hartford 
1-8 Jan 1771:33 (315)
K. Sexton, near the great bridge in Hartford, has the
following books on hand, which he will sel for the
following, prices, viz. . . [2 columns of books on sacred
and secular topics]
Hymns of Enquiry, 0 1 0. . . 
Select Hymns 0 1 3. . . 
Watts's Psal & Hyms, bound together 0 3 10. . .
Together with a great variety of songs, and small books for
children, &c. &c. [11 more lines listing land, horse, and
oxen for sale as well as solicitation to debtors.] 

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1771.01.08 
Publisher Green and Watson 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0012506
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