Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1772.06.02

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Index Entry Chamade [t], beat in submission, in essay on patriotism 
Location Boston 
26 May-2 Jun 1772:11,12,13,21 (388)
From the Boston Gazette.  To all true English American
Patriots, both of the clergy and laity. . . [4 lines, Psalm
74 and 3 lines from James 3.6, followed by 105 lines
exhorting patriotism and love of country in the name of God] 
And if ever there was a time to elevated the voice like a
trumpet, it is now. . . [80 lines encouraging patriotism] 
If they attack us there must be a most horriable scene of
slaughter and garments rolled in blood; or, which is still
worse, we must immediately beat the chamade & submit to
everlasting chains.  [89 lines in conclusion]  [signed]
Pervidus.  Massachusetts, April 1772. 

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1772.06.02 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0012574
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