Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1774.05.17

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Index Entry Bond, runaway Negro, took fiddle but doesn't play it 
Location Canaan 
10-17 May 1774:12 (490)
Twenty dollars reward.  Runaway from the subscriber of
Canaan, in Litchfield County, a Negro man named Bond, about
27 years old, six feet high, well sect, one of his upper
fore teeth broke out, this country born stutters a little,
had a fiddle with him but understands little the use of it;
had on a homespun butternut colour'd coat, a stript jacket,
leather breeches, mixt color'd stockings.  Took with him a
dark brown horse, about 7 years old has a star in his
forehead, also a considerable sum of money.  Whoever will
take up said Negro and return home to his master, or secure
him so that he may have him again, shall receive the above
reward, and all necessary charges paid by me [signed]
Timothy Hurlburt.  Canaan, May 2, 1774. All masters of
vessels are forbid to transport said negro, as they will
answer it at their peril.  N.B. Said negro pretends to be
free, and has a forg'd pass. 

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1774.05.17 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0012680
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