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7 Jun 1774:33 (493)
Run away from the subscriber in Cornwall, in Litchfield
County, a Negro man named Prince, about 27 years old, about
five feet high, this country born, he is thin faced, with a
large pimple or wart on one side of his nose, speaks good
English, is a good fidler. Had on and took with him a
coarse brown jersey coat, with smooth yellow buttons, one
pair leather breeches, one pair brown ribb'd worsted
stockings, one ditto white linen, ribb'd, has a small foot,
and wears yellow metal buckles in his shoes. He is supposed
to have a forged pass with him. Whoever will take up said
Negro, and return him to his master, or secure him so that
he may have him again, shall have five dollars reward, and
all reasonable charges paid by me, [signed] Stephen Boyce.
May 24, 1774.