Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1775.08.21

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Index Entry Drummers, in Lexington, British casualties 
Location Lexington 
21 Aug 1775:22 (556)
London Gazette, Whitehall, June 10, 1775.  Lieut. Dunn, of
the navy arrived this morning at Lord Dartmouth's and has
brought letters from Gen. Gage, Lord Percy, and Lieut. Col.
Smith, containing the following particulars of what passed
on the 19th of April last, between a detachment of the
King's troops in the province of Massachusetts Bay, and
several parties of rebel provincials, viz. . . [66 lines]
Total of the commission, non-commission officers, rank and
file, killed, wounded and taken prisoner, on the 19th of
April, 1775, in the civil war, commence in support of the
usurpation of parliament.  One lieut. killed.  Two lieut.
Colonels wounded.  Two captains wounded.  Nine lieutenants
wounded.  One lieut. missing.  Two ensigns wounded.  One
serjeant killed, four wounded, two missing.  One drummer
killed, one wounded. . . [4 
lines] [signed] Thomas Gage.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1775.08.21 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0012747
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