Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1776.02.12

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Index Entry Books, religious music, for sale by Smith and Coit 
Location Hartford 
12 Feb 1776:41 (577)
Drugs, medicines and books.  Smith & Coit, inform their good
customers, and the public in general that notwithstanding
the entire stop to importation which hath long since taken
place, they still have on hand, small quantities of the most
articles in the apothecary way, and a small number of each
of the following books, which they mean to sell at a
reasonable retailing price.  They have also a few cases of
surgeons pocket instruments, lancets, teeth-instruments, &c.
&c. [musical items extracted from 72 lines] Doddridge's
Hymns, Tate and Brady's Psalms, Tansur's Royal Melody,
Williams Anthems, Compleat Psalmodist, New-England Psalter,
Watt's Hymns and Psalms bound together, Whitefield's Hymns,
Watts's Miscellaney, Watts's Sermons with Hymns, Watts's
Lyric Poems,  Watts's Hymns and Psalms.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1776.02.12 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0012768
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