Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1776.08.05

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Index Entry Deserter, American drummer, named Miller, Tilleson 
Location New York 
5 Aug 1776:42 (602)
Deserted from Capt. Wm. King's company, Col. Jon. Ward's
regiment, one Tilleson Miller, a drummer, he is about 30
years old, 5 feet [8] inches high, has a peaked chin, and
something of a guilty look, he has liv'd for a year or two
past with Col. Patridge, of Hatfield, it is said his father
lives at a place called Pellam, he is not well versed in the
art of drumming, and it seems he deserted purely because he
had nothing else to do.  Whoever will take up said deserter,
and confine him in goal, or return him to his company at
New-York, shall have five dollars reward and all reasonable
charges paid by [signed]  Wm. King, Captain.  New-York, June
15, 1776.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1776.08.05 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0012793
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