Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1777.06.09

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Will 
Location Litchfield 
9 Jun 1777:41 (646)
Run away from the subscriber the 22d instant, a Negro man
named Will, 22 years of age, talks something broken English;
had on a red scarlet broad cloth coat, one old scarlet
soldier coat, the buttons marked with the number 40, two
brown vests, two pair leather breeches, one pair white
ditto, one pair blue ditto, one pair new trowsers, five pair
stockings, 2 pair deep blue others pale blue, one pair
shoes, one pair half boots, a fiddle, one new black
Barcelona handkerchief, one spotted ditto, one grey surtout
coat, and sundry other articles.  Whoever will take up said
Negro and return him to me or secure him, so that I may have
him again, shall receive ten dollars reward, and all
necessary charges paid, by [signed] Alexander McNiel.  N.B.
Said Negro is supposed to be made off towards the enemy. 
Litchfield, May 23, 1777.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1777.06.09 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0012837
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