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30 Dec 1777:42 (675)
Just printed and to be sold by Nathaniel Patten, book binder
and stationer, opposite the south end of the court house,
the New England Almanack for the year of our Lord, 1778
being the second after B sexxile or leap year, containing
sun, moon, and seven stars rising and setting for every day
in the year, eclipses, the planets, aspects, and judgment of
the weather, courts in New England states, freemen's annual
meetings with many other things curious and entertaining,
&c. &c. &c. spelling books, primers, proof catechisms, the
bible in miniature, Pope essay on Man, the Death of General
Montgomery, Lord Somers Judgment of whole Kingdoms and
nations, the 6th Exercise, Tate and Brady's Psalms, the
Gamut or Scale of Music Verses, &c. N.B. Great allowances
to those who buy to sell again.