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25 Aug 1778:43 (709)
To be sold at public vendue, on Tuesday the 1st day of
September next, at the store of Major Nathaniel Brown in
Middletown, a general assortment of English goods,
consisting of superfine and common broadcloths, flannels,
coating, baizes, callicoes, chintzes, silk gauzes, persians,
sagathy's, stuffs, callimancoes, durants, shalloons,
blankets. camblets, sheetings, linnens, dowlass, mens and
womens gloves, mens, and womens hose, womens shoes, colour'd
and white silk thread, sewing silks, twist, buttons, knives
and forks, pins, needles, &c. &c. &c. Also a quantity of
cotton wool, logwood, bohea tea and loaf sugar. Vendue
will begin at 10 o'clock A.M. Middletown, Aug. 15, 1778.