Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1781.04.10

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Index Entry Dancer, American deserter named Sherman, Samuel 
Location Lenox 
10 Apr 1781:42 (846)
Deserted from the subscriber, Henry Smith, Samuel Sherman,
and Ithamer Granger, soldiers, inlisted and mustered for the
three year's service, in the American army; said Smith is
twenty years old, five feet six inches high, light
complexion, reddish hair, a resident of Pittsfield, has a
little of the Dutch pronunciation in his speech; Sherman is
forty-two years old, five feet four inches high, grayish
eyes, short gray hair, dark complexion, a resident of
Pittsfield, is an excellent singer and dancer; Granger is
twenty-three years old, five feet eleven inches high,
lightish eyes, black hair, light complexion, a resident of
Worthington.  Whoever will take up said deserters, and
return them to the subscriber, or secure them in any of the
public gaols, and notify the subscriber of the same, shall
receive ten hard dollars for each or either, and all
necessary charges paid by  [signed] William Walker,
Superintendant for the county of Berkshire, Lenox, March 21,

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1781.04.10 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0013037
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