Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1782.07.16

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Index Entry Books, Watts's Psalms [t], Law's Collection [t], for sale by Hudson 
Location Hartford 
16 Jul 1782:33 (912)
To be sold, by Hudson & Goodwin, at the printing-office:
Testaments, Watts's Psalms and Hymns, bound together or
separate, Edwards's Sermons, Memoirs of the Life of Dr.
Doddridge, Mrs. Rowe's Letters, History of the War in
America, Adventures of Neopeolemus, Pupil of Pleasure, the
Revolution of America by the Abbe Maynal, Hunter's
Reflections on Chesterfield's Letters, Narrative of Col.
Allen's Captivity, Law's Collection of Music, Lowth's
Grammar, Dillworth's spelling-books by the groce, dozen, or
single, primers, writing and wrapping paper, by the ream or
quire, clothiers press papers, by the groce or dozen,
cartridge paper, blanks of most kinds used; this state,
sealing-wax wafers, Holman,s British P[  ], small looking
glasses, Pl[ ], black and coloured silk handkerchiefs, &c.
Cash, or any of the above articles, given for clean cotton
and linnen rags of any kind.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1782.07.16 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0013103
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