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5 Nov 1782:43 (928)
On the night of the 8th instant, run away from the
subscribers, four Negro men one named Grig and one Jack;
Grig about 21 years of age and Jack about 19, about 5 feet
one or two inches high, Grig has a scar on his left cheek
and neck occasioned by the Kings evil, carried with him one
old mixt coloured great coat, one b[ ]t broadcloth do. one
scarlet jacket, one white do. one pair of leather breeches,
one pair white line do. one ruffled and one plain Holland
shirt, two check do. two woolen do. one pair of check
trowser, one pair of French cut silver shoe buckles and knee
do. two old blue surtouts twiled coating, one Barcelona
handkerchief, three pair of stockings, and one fife. . . [15
lines] [signed] Elias Dunning, Ebenezer Guernsey, Gideon
Martin, Solomon Marsh. Bethlem, October 9, 1782.