Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1783.01.21

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Index Entry Anthems, Brownson collecting for new book 
Location Hartford 
21 Jan 1783:42 (939)
Now collecting, and will be published as soon as the nature
of the work will admit, a compleat sett of psalm tunes,
hymns, and anthems.
Great part never as yet published; together with an
explanation of the rules of Music: the whole to make up
nearly one hundred pages, which will contain all metres, all
airs, and all sorts of time proper for church musick, by the
public's humble servant, [signed] Oliver Brownson.
N.B. The whole to be neatly engraved on copper-plate, the
engraver now at work.  All authors will have credit for
their musick, and the time set according to their copies. 

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1783.01.21 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0013130
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