Citation |
6 Sep 1755:32,41 (22)
Abstract from the minutes of a council of war held by
General Johnson and all the field-officers at the camp, at
the great carrying-place, August 23, A.D. 1755. Saturday,
between 9 and 10 o'clock, A.M. The council of war met
according to the adjournment of yesterday evening, and
having taken into their serious consideration, the present
state of this army, as laid before them by the General, in
the last return made to him the 17th, 18th, and 19th
instant, by which they find the whole amount of men fit for
duty, including serjeants, corporals and drummers, were at
that time 2932.. [11 more lines estimating size of army
including allies followed by 60 more lines describing enemy
position and calling for reinforcements]