Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New Haven: 1758.09.09

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Index Entry Cudjoe, runaway Negro, plays violin 
Location Branford 
9 Sep 1758:42 (179)
Branford, August 23.  Ran-away last night from the
subscriber in Branford, a Negro slave, named Cudjoe, aged
about 28 or 30 years, midling stature, talks good English,
and can play on the violin.  He had on a felt hat, a grey
kersy jacket, & a pair of large check'd trousers.  Whoever
will bring or secure the said Negro, shall be handsomly
rewarded,     3   [signed] John Wilford.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New Haven 
Date 1758.09.09 
Publisher Parker, James, and Co. 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0013309
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