Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1767.07.24

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Index Entry Concert, in Paris, dispute in box results in duel 
Location Paris 
24 Jul 1767:23 (193)
Paris, May 1.  The Spiritual Concert at the Thuilleries was
interrupted by a tragical event.  An Englishman who was in
company with some ladies in one of the boxes, where there
was a French officer, talked and sung, and made so much
noise, that the officer represented to him that it was
impossible to hear the concert, and receiving an insulting
reply, made a sign to him to walk out.  As the officer was
going out of the box, the Englishman gave him a box on the
ear, in sight of the company; upon which the officer ran him
through the body and made his escape.  The Englishman was
immediately taken proper care of, but it is assured that his
wound is not dangerous.  He is said to be a rich merchant of
London.  The regard paid here to foreigners, may, perhaps,
occasion this affair to be suppressed.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1767.07.24 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0013753
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