Citation |
16 Oct 1767:11,12,13,41,42,43 (205)
MEIN at the London Book Store, North side of King-Street,
Boston, has just imported a very grand assortment of the
most modern books, in every branch of polite Literature,
Arts, and Sciences, VIZ.
History, Novels, Plays, Voyages, Divinity, Poetry, Travels,
Physic, Husbandry, Lives, Surgery, Navigation, memoirs,
Anatomy, Gardening, Antiquities, Arts, Mathematics,
Philosophy, Sciences, Law.
. . . [5 columns contain a list of books including:]
Free Mason's Pocket Companion. Containing the History of
masonry. . . To which is added, a large collection of the
best Masons Songs, many of which were never before
A New Edition of Tate and Brady's Psalms, on a large letter,
very cheap.
Watts's Psalms and Hymns, a new edition, well printed.
New Plays
School for Guardians, by Mr. Murphy
Clandestine Marriage
Accomplished Maid
Love in the City
Cunning Man by Rousseau
Fairy Favour
HOGARTH's PRINTS: at present very scarce, and encreasing in
value every day: that celebrated Artist having destroyed the
copper plates some time before his death.
Williams's Psalmody
Tansur's Royal Melody Compleat
Green's Psalmody
Arnold's Church Music
Arnold's Complete Psalmodist
Bayley's Introduction to Music.
Containing the grounds of music, from Walter and Tansur, and
a collection of the choicest tunes, from the most approved
The Masque
The Brent
The Warbler's Delight
Frank Hammond's Songs, or every Buck Spirits Companion
The Bucks
Do [=ditto] a collection of very humorous and choice songs
A Collection of Songs, very elegantly printed on fine
writing paper, and entirely calculated for the Votaries of
Tutors for the Violin and German Flute.
The celebrated Mr. Samuel Johnson's Edition of Shakespear, 8
Primers, Psalters, Spelling Books, Writing Paper.
All the Magazines and Reviews printed in Great-Britain.
All the Best Plays and Operas in the English Language, &c.
with all the new ones--- at the very same price they are
sold at in London.