Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1770.03.30

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Index Entry Burden, Derry down, of lyric [beg] You simple Bostonians, I'd have you 
Location New London 
30 Mar 1770:31 (7/333)
A NEW SONG. (Lately composed on Castle Island,) 
At present said to be much in vogue among the Caledonians.
  You simple Bostonians, I'd have you beware,
  Of your Liberty-tree I would have you take care;
  For if that we chance to return to the town,
  Your houses and stores will come tumbling down.
    Down, down, down, hey derry down.
. . . [3 Verses with burden "Derry down, &c."]

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1770.03.30 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0013893
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