Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1774.07.01

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Index Entry Books, religious music, song books for sale by Patten, Nathaniel 
Location Norwich 
1 Jul 1774:43 (11/555)
Nathaniel Patten, Bookbinder and Stationer, from Boston,
hereby acquaints the public, that he has opened a shop at
the Plain, near the Court-House, Norwich.
Where he intends to perform bookbinding in all its various
branches.  Said Patten having been regularly bred to the
abovementioned business, will bind, gild and letter books in
as splendid a manner as if done in London.  Old books he can
metamorphose into new, at least the difference will not be
perceptible to those who do not open them.  He has for sale
a select collection of books upon the most important
subjects:  Among which are,
Bibles, Testaments, Psalters, Spelling Books. . .
Watts's Psalms and Hymns bound together in one volume, or
Hymn separate, Tate and Brady's Psalms,
. . . [A list of works on various subjects such as religion,
sermons, history, etc]
Erikin's Gospel Sonnets, . . .
The Grave, A Poem, by Mr. Blair, . . .
Evan's Poems, . . . 
Song Books, . . . 
and a variety of other articles in the stationary way.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1774.07.01 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0014115
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